Author Archives: Safeswap Online

Announcement: New Staking Pool – Stake Creo Earn Swap

We are pleased to announce the launch of another new staking pool on SafeSwap, in collaboration with Creo Engine! This is a great opportunity for our community to earn Swap tokens by staking their Creo tokens. Pool Details: Description: Stake your Creo tokens and earn Swap tokens. This longer-term pool provides an excellent opportunity to…

Announcement: New Staking Pool – Stake Swap Earn Creo

We are excited to announce the launch of a new staking pool on SafeSwap in collaboration with Creo Engine! This is a fantastic opportunity for our community to earn rewards by staking their Swap tokens. Pool Details: Description: Stake your Swap tokens and earn Creo tokens in return. This pool is ideal for those looking…

MUXE BV Strengthens Ties with Tron and JustMoney Teams on a Memorable Yacht Tour in Dubai

In an extraordinary networking event, MUXE BV had the unique opportunity to connect with the Tron Blockchain and JustMoney teams aboard a private yacht in Dubai. Although Tobias Silver from Just Money couldn’t attend due to his commitments at the Tron After Party, the event was a resounding success, fostering stronger relationships among the teams….

MUXE BV and XT Exchange: A Promising meetup at Blockchain Events in Dubai

MUXE BV recently met with the XT Exchange team, led by their head of listing, Shirley. This encounter occurred during the esteemed Blockchain events Token 2049 and Atlantis in Dubai. The meetings provided an excellent platform for both entities to explore synergies and potential collaborative opportunities. Overview of the Meetup Participants and Venue The meetings…

Casual Outdoor Meetup at Blockchain Life: MUXE BV Connects with Crypto Boy and Defactor

At the recent Blockchain Life event, a casual outdoor meetup facilitated a vibrant exchange of ideas and laid the groundwork for future collaborations between MUXE BV, the influential online personality Crypto Boy, and the team from the Defactor crypto project. This gathering not only provided a relaxed atmosphere for discussion but also showcased the potential for synergies among emerging leaders…

MUXE BV Explores Metaverse Innovations with Shamla Tech Solutions at Blockchain Life

At the recent Blockchain Life event, MUXE BV engaged in a groundbreaking discussion with Shamla Tech Solutions, an ambitious tech group from India. This meetup highlighted Shamla Tech’s development of a powerful metaverse builder solution, which promises to revolutionize the way users engage with digital environments through gaming, online gambling, and virtual workspaces. Shamla Tech…

Casual Outdoor Meeting at Blockchain Life: MUXE BV and Cryptolab Discuss Future Collaborations

In the latest edition of Blockchain Life, MUXE BV held a casual outdoor meeting with representatives from Cryptolab, fostering a discussion about potential collaborations and exploring future opportunities. The meeting, attended by Lucas and Megan from Cryptolab along with Jaimy de Vries and Ari Cahyani from MUXE BV, was both enlightening and promising, paving the…

MUXE BV and Sibmain meetup at Blockchain Life Dubai: A Surprising Start Leads to Strategic Insights

During the recent Blockchain Life event in Dubai, a chance encounter between MUXE BV and Sibmain sparked an engaging and potentially fruitful dialogue, marked by an unexpected visual cue—the SafeSwap logo, seen on Sibmain’s branded banners. This serendipitous moment not only kicked off the conversation but also unveiled Sibmain’s significant presence in the blockchain industry…

MUXE BV Explores Energy Solutions on the Tron Network with Team

In an insightful meetup, MUXE BV team members engaged with the innovative minds behind, a solution on the Tron network designed to reduce gas fees. The primary goal for MUXE BV was to glean insights that could inform the deployment of their product infrastructure on the Tron blockchain. Purpose of the Meetup Exploring’s Innovations…

MUXE BV Explores Partnership Opportunities with OKX Team at Creo Engine-Hosted Introduction

In a significant step towards expanding their network within the blockchain industry, MUXE BV was introduced to the OKX team, facilitated by their partners at Creo Engine. This meeting, aimed at exploring the OKX ecosystem and uncovering collaborative opportunities, marks a pivotal moment for MUXE BV as they seek to enhance their strategic engagements. Overview…